February 2, 2023

I just had the second and last part of my DBS procedure for OCD.

I just had the second (and last) part of my DBS for OCD procedure today at University of Washington medical center! The surgery went GREAT! I was under general anesthesia – so it was IV-in, wheeled to operating room – given anesthesia and 1-2-3 knocked out... Seemingly shortly after I awoke in the recovery room. The surgery took about 1.5hrs. They implanted the Medtronic pulse generator in my chest and connected all the wires in this procedure. 

The Medtronic representative came into my pre-op room and talked with me about the device and answered many of our questions about the device. Like "can I go thru airport security", "can I ever have an MRI again", "what's the battery life like", etc. I also got to see what the device looked like (though I forgot to take a picture of it – darn it!). My Mom asked out of curiosity how much the device cost – and she answered "around $20,000". Omg, crazy, right?

I am so glad to be done with all of the surgeries!
I still can't believe that I actually had DBS done. It was 2yrs ago that I first started my journey to DBS. (Having my first appt with a neurosurgeon at OHSU in Portland). All of my hard work and research paid off – and thank the lord that insurance agreed to pay for the procedure. (w/o having to argue with them or appeal any decision... They approved it straight-up! Which is a miracle in itself).

Now comes the programming of the device. I have one month 'til I need to come back up to Seattle for my first programming appt. This appt is when they will turn the device on for the first time. Here's to hoping that this procedure will be effective and that DBS will work for me! 

Thanks everyone for all the prayers, well wishes, and good vibes sent my way! I can't tell you how much I appreciate it. 

I will keep updating my blog with more videos and posts once I start the programming of the device and start the therapy. Thanks for reading!

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